Neilsoft’s experience in road & highway engineering includes various Green Field & Brown Field projects across the global, related to Roads, Highways, Interchanges, and Rural & High-capacity Urban Roads. We offer wide range of services within the domain of road & highway engineering – ranging from Pre-bid & Construction Documentation, Drawings for all types of roads and highways (Local/State/National) to -

  • Geometric Analysis & Design - Preliminary and detailed, horizontal & vertical alignment
  • Pavement Analysis & Design - Analysis/design of different pavement types such as Flexible, Rigid and Interlock Concrete Block Pavements with cost optimization)
  • Intersections & Roundabout Design - Design of different types of intersections/roundabouts in co-ordination with local traffic officials and based on traffic studies for a specific location
  • Road Signages, Markings and Street Furniture
  • Utility Planning & Design Services for Street Lighting and other External Utilities

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Building & Infrastructure Design

Infrastructure Design Services

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