At Neilsoft, we believe that it's our responsibility to contribute to the socio-economic development of the communities we operate in. Social responsibility is deeply entrenched in our culture and as an organization, our focal areas for community development are - education, environment and healthcare. Strong efforts are on continuously to make the world a better place to live in for the less privileged, in the best ways possible making the most of our capabilities. It is the mission of all Neilsoft associates to contribute to society and to try and make a difference to someone's life in whatever capacity. This feeling is deep-rooted within associates and comes from within which provides synergy between Neilsoft beliefs towards community development.
Neilsoft associates enthusiastically participate in the "Joy of Giving" initiative launched annually in the months of October - November. This initiative illuminates the spirit of volunteerism and is a chance for our associates to make a lasting difference in the lives of the less fortunate and needy. A blood donation drive is organized in the month of June and has many associates volunteering to donate blood. Energy conservation programs adopted include awareness programs and initiatives on the Intranet portal of the company to encourage associates to car pool while commuting to and fro from work.